Contactless Hospitals

Deploying hospital management systems eliminates physical records

Are you not tired of going to hospitals in Nigeria and waiting while they search for your medical records endlessly. The Medical Directors are also tired of having their nurses to search for patient files that last visited 7 years ago. Sometimes, some of the files have been destroyed and in other cases misfiled.

Post COVID-19 has given organizations another approach to daily operations. I call it “Contactless Operations”. Nigerian hospitals should begin to invest in having paperless hospitals by deploying hospital management systems that eliminates generating physical records as everything can be done electronically.

One of the advantages of foreign managed hospitals in Nigeria is the paperless environment. So why are numerous indigenous owned hospital not following suite?

Hospitals can start by;

  • Reorganizing medical records and creating a master document register (electronic manuscripts) for easy access and retrieval within few minutes.
  • Reorganizing involves weeding your archive records of obsolete documents, classifying and cataloguing documents for retention purpose.
  • Classifying may require stacking records in archive boxes for proper preservation and creating container list and cross-referencing racks with manuscript metadata.
  • Records that have information value should be digitized (scanned). All medical records cannot be destroyed and therefore are high priority confidential records.
  • Automate process flow – from walk in patient to the front desk, to doctors’ consultation and prescription, to finance for payment, to pharmacy to collect prescription, and sign out; files don’t need to be moved by nurses, as this can be done electronically. Nurses’ time can be saved and utilized for other critical hospital needs.

Contactless Hospitals is a more effective and efficient way to increase hospital productivity and position your hospital for digital transformation.

Tecres Technologies provides reorganization of medical records, patients’ records scanning services for hospitals, medical centers and private practices. Our vast experience, high end document scanners, and secure, HIPAA compliant scanning facility make us the best choice for digitizing your medical records efficiently and affordably.

Contact or email us today to request a free quote.

...go beyond Paper

Archive Management, Bulk Scanning & Document Management EDMS Services.Scan up to 2 Million pages in 1 week

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